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Colocasia antiquorum illustris

Colocasia antiquorum illustris

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are these lovely plant's pots sitting in the pond or beside it?

24 Aug, 2010


This like all my Colocasias my dear actiually sits with at least its feet in the pond water - though some will take complete collar immersion too

17 Sep, 2010


Well ... I wish I'd talked to you earlier..I had a dwarf growing in my pond a couple of years ago...but was told that they wouldn't do well in water.
I can attest to the value of fish feces as a natural fertilizer. I have to be careful not to overfeed my fish, although the fishy water is all the fertilizer that my nymphaea has had.

18 Sep, 2010


Thanks for the vote of confidence Lori - on a more personal note my name is actually Scott - nice knowing you Lori

Lots of people advise the same yet trust me I have tried very many and they all like to have wet feet at least - thats how I grow this one, mammoth, jack's giant, esculenta, mojito and emerald. The ones such as burgundy stem, fontanessii, aquatilis, black magic are all happy to be completely submerged ie all of the roots, collar, base of stem up to few inches of water cover is no problem to them.

My ele paio (the variegated one) actually fell into the pond and was submerged for say 90% of the plant for a while before I noticed it and it's done it no harm (other than got it growing at a well strange angle lol)

Definitely esculenta and gigantea will not grow under any immersion so roots only dipping in for them

I plan to get some more from the USA later this month so they will be inside for this winter then trials of them next year

18 Sep, 2010


Hello, I recently bought a Colocasia Antiquorum which is doing extreemly well in my pond (I really love it). What is the best way to store it for the winter, i.e. like the bulb of a dahlia, in dry compost in the dark? Thanks

2 Oct, 2010


Hi Mossy, thanks for your request for advice. Interestingly enough, I've just written about overwintering your very plant as I'm preparing a piece on growing Colocasias for the International aroid Society December newsletter - so I'll just send you a personal message with the info for illustris copied and pasted into it

3 Oct, 2010

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This photo is of "Colocasia antiquorum illustris" in Alocoloman's garden

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