Clients Garden

26 Aug, 2010
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The Tomatoes are doing well.
We need to keep them up away from the dogs.
Comments on this photo
Oh yeah! :-( That new pup as cute as it is has so much of what I planted gone.
I duno how people put up with that. All the hard work & $$$ gone!!!!
I use this front area as a nursery as it only get sun in the late afternoon & it seems to be a great area to get the seeds started & nurse a few plants that weren't doing so well in the ground back to life.
That coconut was in another pot but it wasn't doing anything so I lifted it out & stuck it here just to see if any life comes back into it. I planted a purple sage in the other pot that is doing fab!
26 Aug, 2010
now this looks like a good frame for a propagator, is it any particular make Angie?
28 Sep, 2010
No Steviethete. It's just a wire rack that is a put together, it comes in a box of all bits and you put it together in what ever way you want. They are usually use for shelves in a closet or garage or somewhere. My client was remodeling and he didn't need them. He had put them our on the patio for a friend to pick up but the friend never came. My client has 2 dogs and the new one digs up everything so I thought I'd get the seeds started on these shelves and it's worked out great. At least the dogs didn't did them up.
I'm sure if you looked on the internet you would find them.
28 Sep, 2010
Pictures by angieindgarden
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Gardening with friends since
27 Feb, 2009
Tomato F1 Beefeater Seeds
£4.25 at Suttons Seeds -
Tomato Shirley F1 10 Seeds
£2.99 at Jersey Plants Direct -
Tomato Italian Tomato Seed Collection
£4.99 at Suttons Seeds -
Tomato F1 Tumbler Seeds
£2.99 at Suttons Seeds -
Tomato Country Taste Seeds Cordon
£2.99 at Unwins
not those dreaded dogs again Angie
26 Aug, 2010