Mangifera indica - Mango Tree - San Diego, CA
By Delonix1

27 Aug, 2010
This perfect-sized mango tree was absolutely loaded with mangoes.
Photo taken in San Diego, CA on August 26, 2010.
Comments on this photo
Sounds good mango curry!
Most mango trees are not allow to have to so many mangoes on it...they are usually thinned out. This many mangoes on one tree takes a tremendous amount of should be heavily fertilized (it doesn't appear to be though).
27 Aug, 2010
Cooking mangoes then!!
27 Aug, 2010
I can think about a bunch of other uses to all these mangoes... mangoe ice cream, mangoe chutney, mangoe mousse, but
I like them as plain fruit...
What kind of mangoes are those?
27 Aug, 2010
I'll do a blog thingy with my curry recipe later!
27 Aug, 2010
Sounds good. I'll look forward to reading your blog.
27 Aug, 2010
Yes, I agree, there's nothing like a ripe picked mango off the tree eaten fresh. YUM!!! : > )
27 Aug, 2010
I showed this picture to my husband and he said it looks like many magoes... :o)
28 Aug, 2010
That's exactly what I thought when I first saw this little mango tree.
Usually, not so many mangoes will develop on a tree.
28 Aug, 2010
I hope it's not a "last gasp" like old citrus trees do here!
28 Aug, 2010
Mangoes have alternate high-yielding crops (although usually not this heavy)
The mango tree is an extremely long-lived tree (hundreds of years)...not like citrus which only lives 40 - 50 years depending on species.
28 Aug, 2010
That's good to hear. Not too many of them here.
28 Aug, 2010
I would think they would love all that desert heat.
Keitt Mangoes are commercially grown on large scale in the desert of the Coachella Valley in CA.
29 Aug, 2010
The heat isn't any problem--it's that occasional frosty winter!
31 Aug, 2010
Yes, a frosty winter can kill a mango tree pretty quickly...although, older, larger trees -- from what I've read can tolerate temps down to 25 degrees F/ -3.9 degrees C with minimal damage.
1 Sep, 2010
The ones we buy in shops are very poor compared with a sun ripened mango off the tree. Once you taste that, you dont buy ours for eating as fruit
5 Oct, 2010
I can go on and on about most store sold mangoes (how horrible they are). The ones from Mexico have to go through a hot water bath which ruins them in my opinion. I really look forward to late summer and early fall when the California mangoes come into season. They are the best! Mangoes are grown commercially to limited extent in San Diego County, however, the large plantations are out in the Coachella Valley in the desert.
5 Oct, 2010
Where exactly is this tree, I'm desperate to know where in San diego I can grow mangos....
Thanks in advance....
17 Apr, 2011
This tree is located in the Clairemont district of San Diego. However, I've seen mango mango tree all around San Diego. In which district of San Diego do you live?
17 Apr, 2011
I live in Escondido, what is a good variety of Mango to grow here? I lived in Kauai for a few years and loved eating them off the trees there. Can we grow the same kind here?
16 Dec, 2013
There's several varieties that grow well in San Diego County. Out in Escondido you could most likely grow
'Keitt'; 'Valencia Pride': 'Manila'; 'Timatayo' and there's several other varieties which grow well.
One of the best mango varieties which grows in Hawaii is 'Pirie'. I'm from from Hawaii and this is my absolute favorite variety. I don't think this variety grows very well in California, though.
18 Dec, 2013
Most California Mangoes seem to develop palm sized fruit. Not many in the per pound size.
Thats a great looking tree. I hope I can live long enough to see my 5' tree looking like that. Two years ago it was a 2' stick with a few leaves- very few. Its made great progress.
1 Oct, 2014
You'd be surprised. There's many large-variety mango trees here. This tree should have never been allowed to develop so many fruits. It takes too much energy from the tree.
I couldn't believe neighbor that has a really nice mango tree actually harvested all his large mangoes this year. Usually, they just fall to the ground. The mangoes were large and beautiful!
2 Oct, 2014
Wow thats a lot
10 May, 2016
It does sap a tree. My small plant is taking the year off of fruiting after 2 years in a row of a few fruit at the expense of growing. Its 2016,and still not 6'. They are touchy in marginal areas.
But the fruit sure tasted good!
10 May, 2016
Your tree is like a condo variety. lol! The condo varieties are extremely popular here and in Florida because they stay small and are easy to harvest the fruit. The mango trees here are so loaded with boggles my mind. I actually have never seen so many mango trees so full of fruit.
16 May, 2016
On another forum,one of the experts who lives near you in near San Diego city( cant recall the name!) says that 80% of the huge Mango tree's in peoples yards are seedlings.
The smaller tree's with better flavor are the grafted nursery sold types.
Andy,on Youtube have you seen "A Forest of Mango tree's in Phoenix" by vegan garden guy I think it is?
Neat vid...more then she,her family,and all her friends can eat I'm sure.
16 May, 2016
I don't know how anyone would know that percentage. There's actually a lot of grafted mango trees that are sold at Nurseries here. I do know many of the named varieties here in San Diego were from originally seedlings, though.
I'll have to check out the video.
17 May, 2016
I think he said "Orange County" for the Mangoes.
18 May, 2016
Mango trees are becoming extremely popular in Southern California (many varieties are available for our climate). People can buy relatively large ones and in a good hot spot they can grow fast and produce fruit well within 3 - 5 years.
One of the old smaller mango trees close to where I live has died. I'm not sure why. They're usually very drought tolerant. It was kept small by the elderly people who own the house. Many years that tree would produce very nice fruit and they would let the fruit fall to the ground! :>\
21 May, 2016
6' In 2016 and now its added maybe 6' more in 2022. Not a race horse!
11 Oct, 2022
Yes, they start off slow, then speed up as they established. My poor mango tree is so beat up from the heat waves.
21 Oct, 2022
Mangoes are the best of the tropicals I can grow ( White Sapote/Avocado/Citrus being subtropical) because they grow sweet fruit. Others grow foliage but the fruit don't match up with SoCal in flavor.
I'm a hard grower..I don't lavish my yard in water because,well,it's too expensive-ha. Juuust enough to make it worthwhile.
25 Oct, 2022
Luckily, there’s a lot of subtropical fruit that grow up there. Longan and Lychee are some good examples.
I don’t want to talk about the water bill!!! Lol! I’ve watered pretty much every day all summer long. It was a hot and very humid summer here.
I’m going to upload some nice croton pics today.
27 Oct, 2022
No Crotons here Andy...but I do have that Aphelandra still going in ground. Its looking better in the cool right now than it did in the heat of summer. Like no amount of water was enough then,but now in the longer nights the soil moisture is holding up. Not the best looking Aphelandra,I had them larger leafed in pots..but in ground its a taller plant than ever.
29 Oct, 2022
You’ll have to post the pic of the Aphelandra. I never grew one in the ground, I’ve been wanting to try one, though.
I’ve grown Shaueria flavicom in the ground. It’s a beautiful plant, no variegated leaves. I have Sanchezia nobilis growing in a pot. It’s doing very well. I’ve even started one from a cutting, it was very easy.
1 Nov, 2022
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Any tree that loaded with mangoes has to be perfect in my opinion!
Last night I bought a handful of mangoes for 10 pence each - I'll be cooking a curry tonight!
27 Aug, 2010