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Artemisia ludoviciana 'silver queen' great in moonlight.


By Lori

Artemisia ludoviciana 'silver queen'  great in moonlight. (Artemisia ludoviciana (Western mugwort))

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Ah, great. I have just bought this plant. I know it's a bit of a thug but hey, when something as good and silvery as this in your garden, that's what a spade is for surely:-)

27 Sep, 2009


I think you are 100 percent correct Fractal. I planted in "approximately" where I wanted then let it decide where it was happiest. I find it looks wonderful while it starts in the spring and comes into blossom...and I like the blossom too although it is yellow and might be thought to clash with the silver foliage but the yellow is a soft buttery colour and it looks wonderful in blossom. As soon as the blossoms start to brown and look unattractive you just cut the plant back by one third and it looks great in a week or so...

4 Oct, 2009


Thanks Lori.

4 Oct, 2009

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This photo is of "Artemisia ludoviciana 'silver queen'" in Lori's garden

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