By Teddygirl
- 31 Aug, 2010
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Hi Peonyrose "I was interested in that story, hope you dont mind I looked it up.
Hi, found this on the internet, your original question struck a chord from my childhood so I thought I would investigate further. Found various descriptions but this seems to be the most common. “ The passion flower represents the passion story, the story of the crucifixion. Consider the shape of these essential parts of the flower. The three stigma or female parts, spill from the top of the flower, and represented to the Holy Roman Church the very nails of the cross. They also may represent the Trinity. The five circular and recumbent male anthers spoke of the five terrible wounds suffered by Christ. The many dainty fringes of the corona of the flower were bloody lashes of the Roman scourge, meant to hasten the death of the man condemned to die on the cross. The 5 sepals and five petals represent the 10 disciples who witnessed the crucifixion, minus Peter and Judas, who were elsewhere.”
31 Aug, 2010
So old Duncan didn't just make it up!! Thanks Teddygirl for filling in the blanks -interesting isn't it.
1 Sep, 2010
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10 Mar, 2010
I love these - I remember when I was little an old gardener told me a biblical story about the passion flower. I can't remember it all now but the petals represented the 10 disciples, the many filaments-the crown of thorns, and the 3 stamen-the nails on the cross.
31 Aug, 2010