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Agave americana - Century Plant

Agave americana - Century Plant (Agave americana - Century Plant)

A very common sight in California. These blooming plants are located in Balboa Park, San Diego, CA. Photo taken August 31, 2010.

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Actually, those look like A. murpheyi, a slightly smaller and stiffer species that forms plantlets among the faded flowers. It is one of the kinds that the Tohono O'odam people cultivate for the young flower stalks.

2 Sep, 2010



There's so many species of Agave which grow here. This is Agave americana...the flower spikes appear smaller than than they are...these are probably over 30 feet / 10 meters tall. (unfortunately, not much around for scale).

2 Sep, 2010


Sorry, I was looking at the apparent shape of the leaves, though now that I think about it, I was going partly by the one in the foreground--maybe not even related to the blooming group! What happens when you assume....

2 Sep, 2010



Yes, the Agave in the foreground of the photo is a different species...this area has at least 6 different species of Agave. : > )

3 Sep, 2010

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