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Tabernaemontana fuchsiaefolia

Tabernaemontana fuchsiaefolia  (Tabernaemontana fuchsiaefolia)

Tabernaemontana fuchsiaefolia is a beautiful little tree which blooms heavily in summer. Its flowers are very fragrant in the evening and night only. Photo taken at the San Diego Zoo on Sept. 9, 2010.

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18 Sep, 2010




Did you notice in the background there's another Thunbergia mysorensis blooming?

18 Sep, 2010


I hadn't!
Must be something of a pest round your way! Stuff of dreams around here though!
On the plus side (and completely unrelated), my Tibouchina is almost in flower, so I'll be calling on you to verify the id (please).

18 Sep, 2010



I haven't seen Thunbergia mysorensis naturalize here...however, I haven't had this vine in my yard. I do know my Thunbergia 'Blushing Susan' is popping up all over my front and side yards...and in my potted plants also.

The Tibouchina should be easy to identify. I'll check it our when you post it.

18 Sep, 2010


The Thumbergia mysorensis is such a showstopper when it is in flower at Kew, the public love it.

19 Sep, 2010



They do put on quite a show. Luckily, I get to see them blooming all year here.

19 Sep, 2010


Is that a Thunbergia mysorensis (Clock vine) flowers in the background on the left side of the picture? If it's I felt in love with it when I first saw it flowers.

15 Jul, 2012



Yes, that's Thunbergia mysorensis. There's several vines at the San Diego Zoo. It's not too uncommon here.

15 Jul, 2012


Do they have Mucuna Bennetti (Red Jade Vine) & Jade Vine at San Diego Zoo too? This are the 2 kinds of flower are normally plant together with Clock Vine.

17 Jul, 2012


I haven't seen one. Doesn't mean there isn't one growing there. I've been to the San Diego Zoo hundreds of times and still discover new plants every time I go.

18 Jul, 2012


I could be wrong here, but I'm not sure that the Thunbergia would flourish in the uber high humidity that the Strongylodon thrives in............

18 Jul, 2012



Thunbergia mysorensis grows very well in Miami, Florida. You don't get much more heat and humidity than in Miami.

19 Jul, 2012


When I first discover just 1 of the Jade Vine bud on the ground, I guess someone had picked it then threw it, I picked it up & observing it while I'm walking, I thought it was fake because of it color & it feel like rubber. Suddenly in front of me there was a big Jade Vine vine with a lot of flowers, also this is the same time when I first discover the Clock Vine vine.

19 Jul, 2012

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This photo is of species Tabernaemontana fuchsiaefolia.

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