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He is very noisey, presume he has come from someones aviary, anyone know if he will survive the winter outdoors or should I really catch him (if that is possible) he likes his freedom.

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Oh dear :-///
Surely he couldn't survive being out during the winter - can he ???
I hope someone answers your question Oo.

It might be an idea to go onto the RSPB forum (it's quite a good one but slow to load in busy times) and ask the question there.

18 Sep, 2010


Try to spread the word locally that you have seen the bird ...
could be that someone is missing their pet and very upset...
A chilly winter would not be kind to this parrot, with lack of the right food and the cold weather and predatory cats ...

18 Sep, 2010


thanks for the replies, but no houses round me out in the sticks. Oh he is eating well enough, he is fed twice a day and just seems to be enjoying himself, will not let me get near enough to catch him but is tamer than he was.So am hoping that I could get closer one day. Do you think he would survive in my un-heated aviary with cockatiels and finches and a canary they survive without heat obviously more sheltered than where he is at the moment though. Will try the rspb site and ask the question, I know the green ones survive down in kent ok so thought he might just make it here. No cats around us just a vicious sparrowhawk.

18 Sep, 2010


There is a Parrots Lost and Found Register

John Hayward. 01869 352699

He is the person recommended by Parrots Magazine...

He would give you advice... maybe email him with a photo of the bird ...

I hope this helps...

18 Sep, 2010


Thanks Terratoonie

18 Sep, 2010


Have e.mailed the gentleman - hopefully we shall find an answer to the question from him. Many thanks for the information.

18 Sep, 2010


Great help there Mum! hope it works out ok in the end!

18 Sep, 2010


:(( RIP lovely white bird :((

2 Mar, 2011


I am missing him, I keep looking out of the window and he isn't there anymore. It is silly I know but I just miss him shouting out to be fed, he was a very demanding little critter. Gareth threatened to shoot him last weekend because he screeched at their bedroom window and woke them up and he just kept on shouting and screeching lol. I told them both it was their alarm call. lol. Darned sparrowhawk was here again today. The birds in the aviary tell me when he is around, well the cockatiels do, they have a very noisey alarm call and they are always right, it has taken to sitting on the back of the garden seats.

2 Mar, 2011


Gosh, that must be something to see...try to get a photo! Poor Gareth...must have been really funny....for YOU!! :))

2 Mar, 2011


It was funny, but when Sammie was upset about the sparrowhawk getting the parakeet (ah Bless) he said he would get her another one. Only a quiet one. lol. isn't love wonderful.

2 Mar, 2011


Good luck to him Mum!! :))

3 Mar, 2011



3 Mar, 2011

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