Azalea Glowing Embers
By Tetrarch

22 Sep, 2010
Comments on this photo
Darn it yes...thought I had altered that..tsk tsk...
23 Sep, 2010
Yes it does have a lovely perfume..not as good as Luteum but not bad..
23 Sep, 2010
I think these are heavenly flowers, and the scent is perfect, spreads all over the garden. I don't think I have any flower that wafts its perfume quite so far! Well, perhaps a honeysuckle in full glory...
24 Sep, 2010
Mmm yes, honeysuckle is gorgeous..I have the Grahame Thomas on the arch with my Lady Hillingdon rose and on warm summer evenings (cant remember last one tho) I stand there like a nutcase, eyes closed sniffing and sniffing..the neighhbours already think Im mad so who cares!
24 Sep, 2010
Yes, me too! I think they are the mad ones though, no flowers at all in their lovely big garden! Not a single flower, shrub or tree, not even a bulb!
25 Sep, 2010
I would normally gape at a comment like that, but I live next door to one like that too! He did ask me to design something and I did, and got quite excited about doing it..but he changed his mind cos of his two kids! That was 4 years ago and his kids have grown into teenagers now, so praps I should drop a hint or too.
25 Sep, 2010
Thing is, I think kids like gardening to a degree. I remember when I was little my friend having a special bit just for herself to play at growing things. My friend has two girls and they love joining in at the allotment. I know a lot of people think that gardens and children don't mix, but I don't agree with that at all. I think gardening is a great way for us to learn about biology, wildlife, recycling, nature and the wonder of the world around us...great for learning about design too, and colour of course, and just generally how the world works. I don't think it's good when people completely lose touch with the soil and with the bugs etc. And what child doesn't enjoy a tiny ripe tomato or a sunflower that they've planted themselves!
25 Sep, 2010
I totally agree with you, but the initial push has to come from the parent/tutor. However on this occasion father and son were great footie fans. Philistines!
25 Sep, 2010
On the other side my neighbour's d-in-law loves gardening but hasnt got much to spend, so I give her recycled plants etc..and she involves the children in planting them and guessing the colours. Im sure they will garden later on
25 Sep, 2010
Ah, that's lovely Tetrarch! You are a star!
25 Sep, 2010
Just cant bear to see all those potentially beautiful flowers going to waste!
25 Sep, 2010
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This photo is of "Azalea "Glowing Embers"" in Tetrarch's garden
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Beautiful azalea flower Tetrarch, I think you may have attached the wrong label, but who cares? It's gorgeous! does it have scent too?
23 Sep, 2010