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garden winding's autumn


By Lori

garden winding's autumn

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Yup Lori, no denying it's autumn! We have winds coming from the Arctic circle today and it's freezing! Not literally quite yet, but it won't be long now!

25 Sep, 2010


yes it`s that time again....roll on spring!!

25 Sep, 2010


Brrr... not today, Karen. let's just pretend it's not for a few more months...
LOL... Elsiemay... I agree...can't get here fast enough for me!!

25 Sep, 2010


Come on girls.....if you wish away the autumn and winter we won't be able to enjoy the fall or the snowdrops!! I know, I know, I'm just the same but we have to 'fight it' and try to enjoy every never could be our last!! :))

25 Sep, 2010


Yes, our time is finite. and Yes, every day is a gift. Thanks Karen...old habits are hard to break tho...until I took up skiing I hated winter with a passion...with skiing I was praying for snow all week so I could enjoy a weekend on the hill...Now that I'm older and less prone to activities risking my neck...I put my time to constructive use and read everything I never have time to read when I have my garden to work on. might even get some quality goY time in.

26 Sep, 2010


same here lori, just hoping we dont have snow like last year, sunny today and fresh, lovely

26 Sep, 2010


Me too San...not really ready for winter...praying it won't be like last year! I'm going to do some painting though this winter, a bit more decorating too, and some reading in the evenings.....not sitting moping in front of the tv....except on Saturday nights when 'strictly' is on!! :))

27 Sep, 2010


Yes indeed all - winter is not good for all us plant lovers as we can't really get out and about if we have loads of snow again!! I'm going to be constructing some new winter living quarters for my plants from some recycled glass and wood - so very eco friendly that way

27 Sep, 2010


That will be a great blog Alocol!

27 Sep, 2010


karen i fully understand i dont want to sit infront of tv all winter either so will have to start a winter hobby to ;o))

27 Sep, 2010


I also like knitting..might do some of that as well!

27 Sep, 2010


i once tried knitting karen, made a jumper and used 3 balls to much, god knows how and it was to big lol, so never again, i can sew and use to do rug making with my gran, thats it hahaa

27 Sep, 2010


LOL... I'm fed up with building and renos...even decorating (is that possible?) so this winter will be R and D. Research and Development...of my next garden. I managed to knit sweaters for my guys when they were little... I'm too slow to take on a serious project with knitting needles... For a winter hobby I started with my orchids... I have a terrarium with a gecko...(Just bought a little sago, a very small clumped Spathiphyllum, and a very interesting lacy leather leaf fern with very hairy tarantula like roots...anyone care to ID it for me? the label just said "fern" lol....) Have two budgerigars...Blewey and George...and a Dwarf Rex Wrabbit...named Clover...and of course Mandy (the pooch) and Dad (hubby) Been trying to get back on track with my reading ...but it interferes with sleep. These days time flies by so fast I hardly get used to one season before it's the next! So Hopefully winter will go as quickly as the summer has...

28 Sep, 2010


Blimey Lori!! No chance of you being bored then!! lol :))

28 Sep, 2010


Yep...boredom is one problem I have not had recently...quite the opposite...I've been as jumpy as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs!!

28 Sep, 2010


LOL!! nice picture Lori! i don't suffer with boredom either...can't understand how that works...there's always so much to do if I look around me!

29 Sep, 2010


Still looks fresh and lovely to me. We haven't a green deciduous thing left and the beds are all mulched and trees wrapped. Looking for first flurries any day! A good growlight system gives me a winter of gardening, a must with the white time this Hope its a mild winter though, here, there, and

1 Oct, 2010


Thanks Gt... I'm hoping for a winter like the last one...wouldn't be a tragedy in my opinion...we only had a few days of VERY COLD weather...where we usually have at least two weeks of not getting above minus 20 C.. (not quite as dark down here too) but a nice mild winter would be fine with me, but given all the climatic chaos perhaps I should just hope for something approximating normal..
Flurries! OMG not yet, surely? This past month is the first September on record without a frost!(not sure when the last one was...but it was a number of years ago.) Wonder what that means? The Almanacs are calling for a long cold winter here in Canada..(not much of a gamble making that prediction,huh?)

2 Oct, 2010


Hi Lori! The mention of hairy roots on your fern makes me think it might be a Rabbit's Foot fern (Davallia fejeensis), named for it's roots - check it out!

2 Oct, 2010


Hi Grammazoo...Yes you have it! Gt spotted it too... Davallia fejeensis...must add that to my list of plants. Thanks...

2 Oct, 2010


Once the precip got to us, it had warmed up again to another stretch of abnormal highs. We should be getting a little white by now, but nothing, it even stopped freezing again! Weird. I wouldn't mind a 'normal' winter, they are calling for a hard winter here too, once it starts we'll see.

3 Oct, 2010


With all the wonky weather it makes me reluctant to hope for a mild winter...the almanacs don't miss the mark very often though...Lets' just have it and get it overwith ... lol.

9 Oct, 2010


Thank goodness for cameras ! I spend alot of my free time in the winter going back through my photos , then making notes on areas that need improvement during certain seasons of the year.

17 Oct, 2010


If all goes well, Flcrazy, I'll be doing up plans for another garden... Since buyers were averse to a pond I've just pulled mine out. all the bricks and blocks are piled on the patio ready for transport and the fish are in aquariums. just hope we can wrap it all up before the snow flies.

17 Oct, 2010


Luckily for you, they don't know what they are missing. Sounds like you get to have your cake and eat it too, so to Now you won't have to buy all the supplies again.

18 Oct, 2010


Ah, yes...the silver lining. Hope transporting the materials doesn't add too much to the bottom line of the move. We've tentatively found a place we really the game of musical chairs is in play. Just hope the people who want our place can find a buyer for we can tell the folks who are selling theirs..that we are interested!..confused? I know I am.

18 Oct, 2010

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