Geranium orientalitibeticum
By Geraniumdad
- 26 Sep, 2010
The prize for the Geranium with the longest name goes to this one!
Geranium orientalitibeticum comes from South West China.
It spreads by underground runners though isn't really invasive. The flowers are huge (inch and half across) and the leaves are marbled (green and pale green) and are wonderfully shaped.
Comments on this photo
Yes I have this one. It has only made a few small clumps in my borders: I would love it to spread even more! The Geranium clarum has spread all over the place which is great as the flowers are lovely.
21 Oct, 2010
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Was going to ask if you had this one, must love my soil as its spread everywhere, even into the grass and survives the weekly cut no problem, took a couple of years to get going, do love it though.
20 Oct, 2010