Joe-Pye Weed & Chocolate Joe-Pye Weed
By Mikec

25 May, 2008
Comments on this photo
Try the Chocolate if you can find it. It's the one on the lower left. You can see the brown in the leaves. The leaves will get more brown in them as it grows. It doesn't grow as tall as the regular.
27 May, 2008
Thanks for the good advise, as luck would have it that is the ones I planted.
28 May, 2008
Oh, Heaven! A "Joe" plant and a chocolate one together in the same pic!
This means a great deal to me right now!
12 Oct, 2008
I love Joe Pye Weed. I finally planted some last fall, I hope they do well as they are supposed to love clay soil.
26 May, 2008