Adenium obesum 'Ice Pink' - Ice Pink Desert Rose
By Delonix1

30 Sep, 2010
My Ice Pink Desert Rose loved the 108F/ 42.2C. high temp on Monday...and has been blooming profusely through our big heat wave for the last 6 days. All my Desert Roses are truly extremely heat tolerant. Unfortunately, not all my plants liked this severe heat so much - and some fried. Photo taken Sept. 27, 2010.
Comments on this photo
This Desert Rose is just gorgeous. Glad to hear that all the Desert Roses have come through that horrible heat wave.
30 Sep, 2010
I was lucky enough to shade many of the potted plants. My potted Plumerias burned pretty badly, but they'll survive. Most of the other plants I put in shade...some leaves were burned anyway. Luckily, everything will survive. It's nothing like in 2008 when we had the hottest Fall in 20 years... I lost many plants to sun burn (let's say I learned my lesson) : > )
30 Sep, 2010
Thanks! : >)
They're tolerant of extremely high temps because they're native to the very hot tropical deserts of east Africa.
Although, on Monday all the flowers on this plant were completely wilted in the heat...until it received lots of water.
30 Sep, 2010
Looks like Mandevilla :o) Very pretty
2 Oct, 2010
Thanks! : >)
Adenium is in the same family as Mandevilla - Apocynaceae.
2 Oct, 2010
Gorgeous display and wonderful ice pink colour.
27 Jan, 2011
Thanks! I thought you'd like to see what this plant looks like in full bloom. :>)
27 Jan, 2011
Thank you for showing me them Andy they are very pretty and different colours too which is great.
27 Jan, 2011
You're welcome! :>)
28 Jan, 2011
28 Jan, 2011
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Sorry to hear that Palmate ,which ones did you loose ? Not to many i hope
30 Sep, 2010