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Erythrina falcata - Brazilian Coral Tree, Corticeira-da-Serra Flowers

Erythrina falcata - Brazilian Coral Tree, Corticeira-da-Serra Flowers (Erythrina falcata - Brazilian Coral Tree, Corticeira-da-Serra)

A close up of the Brazilian Coral tree's flowers. This tree rivals Delonix regia - Royal Poinciana for bright orange-red flowers. Unfortunately, just like Royal Poinciana the flowers are very difficult to photograph the true bright color. Photo taken Oct. 7, 2010 in Balboa Park, San Diego, CA.

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i doo love these unusual....

8 Oct, 2010



Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it.

They're not unusual here though. lol! : >)

8 Oct, 2010


i love to see all your exotic plants and flowers..if ever i get out there i will recognise

8 Oct, 2010


Sandra: you'll have to come to San Diego to visit - because you know most of the plants here now. : > )

8 Oct, 2010


They remind me of some sort of tigers teeth necklace..? Fabulous colour!

8 Oct, 2010


That's nice. If I ever keep my Crista Galli bug free and get it to flower, then maybe I'll try one of these!!

8 Oct, 2010



That's an interesting perception. I was think of the flowers as looking like parrot beaks. : > )

8 Oct, 2010



I've read Erythrina species indoors can have a lot of spider mites.

You may not want the Brazilian Coral tree (not unless you get a cutting-grown tree) because it can take so many years (up to 15 years) to to bloom. It's also one of the slowest growing Erythrina species...most of the others grow extremely fast.

8 Oct, 2010


Yes! parrot beaks it definitely is!!

8 Oct, 2010



Sorry for my horrible grammar in the previous comment!

Most of the Erythrina species' flowers, resemble parrot beaks.

9 Oct, 2010


They look like lobster claws to me!

9 Oct, 2010



I can see that too. : > )

9 Oct, 2010

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This photo is of species Erythrina falcata - Brazilian Coral Tree, Corticeira-da-Serra.

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