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Ajuga reptans Burgundy Glow


By Janette

Ajuga reptans Burgundy Glow (Ajuga reptans)

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Got this one and I must admit I really like the ajugas they do so very well although this one needs to be out of really bright sun otherwise it looses it's stunning colouring something I found out last

26 May, 2008


Thanks Hel I will have to replant this as its in the sun dont want to lose it nice colour

26 May, 2008


Iv not got this colour iv the Dark Leaf 1 & its lovely :)

26 May, 2008


I'm sure it will do well Janette in a less sunny place if its quite large why not split it and get some extra plants from it? I do it all the time and it's also a way of keeping the plant in check as although it is without doubt a brilliant groundcovering plant it sometimes tries to cover others around

27 May, 2008


Just replanted it to-day Hel in a nice shady spot ,its still little at the moment but I will split it when its a bit bigger I have some other Ajuga in the shady front garden but they are not as nice as this one

27 May, 2008


How is it doing in the shade, Janette? I've just got one and wondering where to put it :-)

12 Aug, 2008


It doing very well in the shade Sid it now got some nice little flowers

13 Aug, 2008


Are they purple/blue?

13 Aug, 2008


Yes Sid , more blue than purple

13 Aug, 2008


Oh good - thanks for that Janette! I hope mine produces some flws before the end of summer :-)

13 Aug, 2008

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This photo is of "Burgundy Glow" in Janette's garden

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