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Dendrobium Orchid

Dendrobium Orchid

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~lovely~I can't grow orchids so very well done!

12 Oct, 2010



12 Oct, 2010


Thank you both

12 Oct, 2010


A Beautiful from me to....

12 Oct, 2010


Thank you Holly

12 Oct, 2010


beautiful orchids Cinders....

12 Oct, 2010


thats kind of you Elsie

12 Oct, 2010


This orchid is so pretty and it seems to like healthy!

12 Oct, 2010


Thank you Whistonlass. Yes it does seem to be growing one way, its going to tip the pot over before long.

12 Oct, 2010


Both your Dens look healthy!

12 Oct, 2010


Thanks Meanie, They seem to look after themselves really, but I suppose the conditions must be right.

12 Oct, 2010


Speak for yourself Cinders! I've only got the one rebloom this year.

12 Oct, 2010


O really Meanie, I seem to have loads of stems coming along. I have another pink one, not out yet that is loaded, and a white one with a red centre that has several stems. Yours may just be a little late, as some of mine are only just showing.

12 Oct, 2010


Well done you, look very healthy.

12 Oct, 2010


Thanks Dotty

12 Oct, 2010


The orchids have been funny this year - lots of new growth or lots of blooms. I've had no happy medium! I'll post a photo of my Phalaenopsis later that I put outside to see how it fared. It's been in flower for nearly six months now and has SIX spikes all producing viable buds. One of my Paphiopedilums started flowering in March, and should open it's next bloom in the next few days (although it went through a spell of bud blast).

13 Oct, 2010


Look forward to seeing that Meanie

13 Oct, 2010


That's a super orchid, love it. Joy says she loves it as well.

13 Oct, 2010


Thank you Paul and Joy. Don't know if I could take a piece off it, will have a look.

13 Oct, 2010


I've found the link about taking stem cuttings Cinders.........

13 Oct, 2010


Thanks Meanie, will have a look in the morning, I'm off to bed now, 'night.

13 Oct, 2010

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