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My Jacaranda mimosifolia - Jacaranda Tree

My Jacaranda mimosifolia - Jacaranda Tree  (Jacaranda mimosifolia - Jacaranda Tree)

Looking at a section of my 50 foot/16 meters tall Jacaranda tree in the front yard from above the roof of the house. The weather has been cloudy, gloomy for 4 days straight. This is extremely unusual for this time of year when it's typically very warm to hot and dry. Photo taken Oct. 18, 2010.

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Just like a summers day in England...LOL

19 Oct, 2010



LOL! That's funny!

We're definitely not used this type of drizzly, and even showery weather this time of year. Tomorrow we may even have real rain! (Which is much needed) Typically, we're having a SOSA (Sort of a Santa Ana) or a Santa Ana Wind which brings very hot and very low humidities this time of year. :>/

19 Oct, 2010

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