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Garden Fuchsia bush.

Garden Fuchsia bush.

Not sure of the name of this one, we have had it several years now, this is a picture i took of it at 3.45m today.

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Beautiful one Biker....

19 Oct, 2010


Hi Bikerbob, Wow, this is lovely, I have one very similar to this and another bush fushia with live yellow/green leaves, its a real beauty when its blooming. They are both posted somewhere amongst my photos together with quite a few other fushias I have. I have a beauty called Quasar, have you seen this one. and Annabel too is lovely.

2 Feb, 2011


Hi Lins, Yes i have had both of those, in fact i think i still have annabel but lost Quasar last year.

9 Feb, 2011


Oh what a shame, have you many fushias BB?

9 Feb, 2011


Hi Lins, Before Winter i had 49 varieties, 7 hardy ones, 28 trailers and some easy trainers.I'm afraid it will be late April early May until we know fatalities for sure. At the moment i have 30 odd rooted cuttings growing in the upstairs spare room.

9 Feb, 2011


Wow. you have been busy BB.I used to buy small rooted cuttings from an elderly man in his 80's before I moved to Suffolk. He used to own a flower nursery but gave it up because he found it too much. He used to do cuttings in his greenhouse in the garden and at one time I think I had around 120 upwards in my borders, they were lovely and he told me that if you planted NON HARDY fushias deep (even if you bury part of the plant at first) they will survive the winters. I tried it and can honestly say I hardly lost any.

10 Feb, 2011

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