The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Dahlia 'Pablo'


By Louise1

Dahlia 'Pablo'

Lovely peachy hues.

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Beautiful shape and colour Louise

20 Oct, 2010


this is such a pretty one

21 Oct, 2010


Thanks both.
I bought and planted this in the very early summer and it's flowered nonstop - and still very much going !

21 Oct, 2010


wow ~ fantastic!
does it take a lot of looking after?

22 Oct, 2010


Hmm....I still wish I'd bought one! It is a beauty. :-))

22 Oct, 2010


Stickitoffee, on the contrary - i just leave 'it' and all the other dahlias alone, they have to look after themselves ..... get left in the ground, not lifted, etc. etc !!!
I 'am' in a sheltered area here though, in a colder region and position the temperature would turn these to 'mush'.

23 Oct, 2010


ah well, i will just have to enjoy the photos you post instead!

23 Oct, 2010


I do love this..might get away with leaving them in my front garden. Think I will try it next year.

15 Nov, 2010

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