Bellflower's Profile

About me
IHi, my name is Margaret but I like to be called mags or maggie, and my husband is Geoff. We live in a semi on the border between Sheffield and Rotherham, South Yorkshire. I am still working (part time) at present, although I reached 60 in 2009 so I think retirement will be looming soon hopefully. That will mean I have more time to devote to my hobbies, i.e. my grandchildren and my gardening (can't wait). My garden is just an average size for a suburban area but I try and get as much out of it as I can along with my husband who also has the bug now.
I have 5 grandchildren, 3 to my eldest and 2 to the youngest daughter. I love them all with a passion and see them all the time. They are very good at helping me in the garden and their ages range from 5 the youngest to almost 16 the eldest.
I always did a little gardening when the kids were young, but as they left the roost I began to really get excited by the beauty of plants and just read and read any books I could find to learn more. Then about two years ago my mum developed Dementia and I lost interest in the garden and it has taken me until this year to really enjoy it again. It is a great way to de-stress as I am sure you will all agree.
I look forward to having chats with the friends I have already made as well as new ones in the future, and thanks to everyone for making me welcome. I am so gald I just happened upon this site.
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Joined in Jul 2010
Country: United Kingdom
County: South Yorkshire