My Plumeria rubra 'Plastic Pink' has broken branches due to rare, severe rain storm
By Delonix1

21 Oct, 2010
My Plastic Pink Plumeria tree branches broke due to the strongest rain storm to hit San Diego on Oct. 19. Most of Southern California had record amounts of rain for the date. Some San Diego County cities had 1/3 of their annual rainfall for the year in one day!!! This is pretty much unheard of here. Photo taken Oct. 20, 2010.
Comments on this photo
Yes, the cuttings need to callus over for a week or so...then they can be planted. I'm going to have many cuttings to start because my large Plumeria 'Samoan Fluff' blew over today and 3 little branches broke also.
21 Oct, 2010
So out of all bad things, some good can come!
21 Oct, 2010
Pretty much. I preferred the branches didn't break...however, it was huge asset to receive the tremendous amounts of beneficial rain on Tuesday. It should prevent major firestorms which we can get from Oct - Feb. from the very hot, dry San Ana Winds.
21 Oct, 2010
Oh no Not again Andy......What a shame......Still more stocl for you.....
22 Oct, 2010
Sorry that should have read stock......ooops
22 Oct, 2010
I know, the large branch broke last year in the wind...this year it's our extremely rare heavy rains. I can never win! LOL! :>)
22 Oct, 2010
It will be interesting to see how the rare, heavy rains effect the flora in your area Andy; you may see some flowers (and weeds ) that are new to you!
28 Oct, 2010
It starting to green up with the usual plants/weeds we see here in January or February. I've never seen green wild grass in my yard in October or around San Diego for that matter. :>)
28 Oct, 2010
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I guess you'll just stick them in a pot and have even more then!
21 Oct, 2010