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Ice already on the garage roof.

Ice already on the garage roof.

It was iced over yesterday morning, it's too soon, please stop it...............

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No! Stopping it I'm afraid lol, we had a frost this morning Brrrrrr! :o))

21 Oct, 2010


had a frost down here to this morning...

21 Oct, 2010


Well! It may Kill off any bug's I suppose :o)

21 Oct, 2010


Doesn't bear thinking about does it Homebird? I wish it would get rid of this rotton bug I've got It gives you such a terrible cough, then you ache from head to foot through coughing and gives you a headache, earache and goodness knows what else.....makes you feel really drained!!!..............Roll on Summer!! (lol)

27 Oct, 2010


Ha! One good thing is that the winter brings is getting tidy indoors.
He! He! ((( Gardening Forever-Housework Whenever ))) LOL :o))))

27 Oct, 2010

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