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perhaps my favourite plant of all! a cross between a castor oil plant and ivy?

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I like that!

23 Oct, 2010


great colour

24 Oct, 2010


thank you! i love it, only just got it so i hope it will live a long time

24 Oct, 2010


very pretty plant

28 Oct, 2010


yes, really good. just realised i need to move it a few inches cos i cant see it from the window

29 Oct, 2010


Lovely healthy leaves does this one flower now

7 Dec, 2010


no, its under a plastic bag and probably not so well, im very sad cos its my favourite

7 Dec, 2010


I see its in a pot, you would of been better to plant it in the ground before the frost set in, mine is in the ground and its wilted with the frost. Remember never plant in frosted ground you have to plant before the frost if you put into the garden. It should be ok and survive, mine wilts terrible and is big too, but always come s back.

7 Dec, 2010


i must have taken the photo when i bought the plant but i put it into the soil in the garden a few months ago now.

7 Dec, 2010


It should be ok then if its in the ground, mine was very small when I first had it, its always done well no matter what, alway like I said comes back after the wilting.

7 Dec, 2010


Fatsia / Ivy - lovely :):)

18 Dec, 2010


is castor oil in Fatsia group ?

18 Dec, 2010


i think this is a fatshedera which is half ivy and half caster oil plant ~ i also have a caster oil plant [fatsia?] and i love both of them ~ today i have put them under a little fleece tent cos they are possibly my favourites? although i do also love acers, hellebores and poppies! oh yes and hostas and ferns and pierris!!!

18 Dec, 2010


Hellebores we bought last week - gorgeous things, acers is one tree I am going to save up for there is a huge one at garden centre but it is £335 - we have a little one though about 6 inches tall. Will have to check hostas a new one on me - there are so many tempters though out there - if I went with a thousand pound voucher I would spend the lot !

19 Dec, 2010


there is a tree at my GC that cost about 900 i think ~ its called a cloud tree and is magnificent ~ evergreen and shaped as though clouds are coming off it! i love it! hostas for shade ~ lovely different leaves. i got 2 of my acers cheap ~ only little ones but then i can enjoy watching them grow

19 Dec, 2010

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