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Zebrinus late autumn

Zebrinus late autumn (Miscanthus sinensis (Miscanthus))

Getting on a bit now, must be 8 years old

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Must get one!

14 Nov, 2010


Im not too big a fan of grasses, had a fair few once and they seeded all over the place..drove us nuts. But this I have never regretted, its so stately and its taller than me now and Im 5ft4..about the same around tho lol!

14 Nov, 2010


Its great to see what it looks like fully grown, magnificent!

14 Nov, 2010


carnt wait to get one !!!

15 Nov, 2010


Got one of these....but doesn't look anything like as good as yours-not yet anyway ! Do you know if they prefer a sunny spot ? If so,I will have to move it.

5 Feb, 2011


Our garden faces northwest Judy so in summer when sun is high and clears the roof of the house (our garden is "sunken" get the sun from first thing til about 2pm, then the lilac shades it until it gets a bit more before sunset. So about 6/8 hours in summer.
In the winter, it gets a little morning sun (barely an hour) then about 1pm onwards it shines between the branches of the lilac so guess 2/3 hours in total on a sunny winter's day. It is sheltered on 3 sides, lilac, wall and arch so doesnt get the worst of the northerlies. Got a feeling Shirleytulip has a couple too, so ask her, compare the two and draw some conclusions?

5 Feb, 2011


Thanks for that Tetrarch, sounds almost identical to the location mine is in ,so it should do ok. Will ask Shirleytulip as you suggested too.

7 Feb, 2011

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This photo is of "Zebra Grass" in Tetrarch's garden

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