The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Summer front yard


By Tate

Summer front yard

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This will have been taken before your morning glory was established, I assume? Very attractive and the trellis is nice too.

15 Nov, 2010


Yes, before morning glory invasion:) Since I came to US I found out about trash days - that's when people take their trash out to be picked up by trash service early in the morning of next day. These are wonderful days if you go and forage in some rich neighborhoods. Successful hunt can result in such 4 trellises.

15 Nov, 2010


Wow...that is a wonderful find, Tate. I know of people who will forage through skips when homes are being renovated and it's amazing what can be found. We also have a group online that you can join in a lot of communities called "Freecycle" where people can offer items for free or you can post a request for what you're looking for. Great recycling!

You mention about coming to the you mind me asking where you were originally? Was it the UK? I am an import from Canada to the UK...many years ago now...1983.

15 Nov, 2010


I am from Russia. Came to US 5 years ago, and a month ago became a US citizen.

15 Nov, 2010


So a whole new life opened up for you...and you are now a US citizen. Lovely, Tate.

16 Nov, 2010


Yes, this weird life... Never know what can happen...)

16 Nov, 2010

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