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Help! Weed or plant?!


By Gillian

Help! Weed or plant?!

I thought this might be phlox but now am unsure. It was in the garden when we moved in and I don't know if it should stay or go!

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Are the yellow flowers a seperate plant to the one with long leaves? The flowers look like Tagites. I certainly have a weed with long leaves like this but not the flowers.

28 May, 2008


Yes, the flowers are marigolds in behind.

28 May, 2008


If you like it keep it. If you don't then get rid of it.
I like it.

29 May, 2008


I'm going to pot it up today and see what it does.

29 May, 2008


I ended up with two different types pf plants I potted, now I'll wait and see! I'm even wondering if this could be goldenrod? It had lots of runners under the soil.

29 May, 2008


Could be Golden rod. The leaves look similar.

29 May, 2008

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