My Pritchardia hillebrandii - Loulou Palm - Posted for my Palmate, Mushybanna
By Delonix1

7 Dec, 2010
I paid about $9.00 for this large Hawaiian Loulou palm back in June...typically, it would cost from 125 - 150 U.S. dollars. Unfortunately, the specialty palm nursery was going out of business. Photo taken Dec. 6, 2010.
Comments on this photo
Your very luck to get such a fantastic looking palm and at so cheep ..Gone to favorites :o)))
7 Dec, 2010
Gorgeous palm Delonix, but such a shame the way that you came by it (not on you, you understand). Are many of the specialist nurseries being squeezed out by the recession and/or the major chains?
7 Dec, 2010
Thanks! :>) I was very lucky to get such a good price on this palm.
7 Dec, 2010
Thanks! Glad you liked it!
This is the palm I purchased back in June which I said I was going to post months ago. lol! :>)
7 Dec, 2010
This specialty nursery is owned by a palm society member...who's moving out of state. I had purchased palms from South Coast Palms in Fallbrook since 1994.
There's many specialty nurseries in San Diego County, unfortunately, the recession has taken a major toll on many of them! :>(
These specialty nurseries don't have any competition with the chain nurseries...because they carry the very rare and exotic stuff...and hundreds of species...not the common stuff like: Kings, Queens, Mexican fan, Windmill, Mediterranean fan, Californian fan, Fishtail, Mexican blue, Date, Canary Island Date, Alexander, Majesty, Kentia and Guadalupe palms.
7 Dec, 2010
How big will it get ?
8 Dec, 2010
It can grow to 30ft/10m some cases taller.
I've posted several larger specimens on GoY in the past. This Hawaiian Pritchardia species is one of the more commonly grown palm in CA.
8 Dec, 2010
14 Dec, 2010
Thanks! I really love Pritchardia species - Loulou Palms! :>)
15 Dec, 2010
I can see why!!
19 Dec, 2010
I really love Pritchardia hillerbrandii because it looks very closely to the gorgeous Pritchardia pacifica - Fiji Fan palm...which is very difficult to grow successfully here in CA.
20 Dec, 2010
In the'll grow to at least 30ft/10m tall. It grows very similar to Pritchardia pacifica - Fiji Fan Palm.
21 Dec, 2010
They planted a Pritchardia at Chabot college..along with some Mountain palms,Hedescepe and Howeas.
26 Sep, 2014
Is it the little palm garden next to the theater? I know they planted a little palm garden next to the theater in the early 1980's.
26 Sep, 2014
They still have that-- a beautiful "Clara" B.armata is growing there,and I haven't seen a nicer one. Take a look ay my Daves Garden pic.
But,I know somebody who gave Chabot many exotic plants that they planted around the campus rather then just a small area.
I guess the Pritchardia is the one considered the hardiest..but also a very nice deep green. It stands out.
30 Sep, 2014
I think of Pritchardia species in some areas of the Bay Area as marginal. I have successfully grown P. remota. hillerbrandii, becarriana, affinis. I think P. minor should do very well there, also. Forget P. thurstonii and pacifica...they're just too tropical.
30 Sep, 2014
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Beautiful palm and lucky Delonix!!!
7 Dec, 2010