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in the bleak mid-winter

in the bleak mid-winter

cold brrrrrr

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Oh crikey are having it bad up heart goes out to you. Here in the North east of England it's bleak, but this looks grim. Take care, I hope you are okay for supplies.....

7 Dec, 2010


thanks Janey. my OH is managing to go to local shop while I am just hibernating lol

8 Dec, 2010


You stop indoors Helen best place at mo! Take care.

9 Dec, 2010


slight thaw today Grandmage so we have to be careful of icicles falling on our heads !!! lol

9 Dec, 2010


They reckon this is the worst winter we have had for one hundred years!

9 Dec, 2010


It's the worst I remember and it is still only December!!
mind you I cant vouch for the other 34yrs before I was born LOL

9 Dec, 2010


You nearly slipped up there Helen and gave your age away!! I agree its only December, what about Jan~Feb~March~~~~?

9 Dec, 2010


been out this morning pulling all the snow off the huts and greenhouse [before the next batch of snow which is predicted for next week ! ] as it is a lot milder this morning.
plants are looking a wee bit bedraggled but otherwise not too bad !! [a bit like myself lol ]

10 Dec, 2010


I dont believe it Helen, bedraggled? Lol, hope we dont get any more snow (pleeease). we are thawing too, its very wet outside, at least the pavements are looking safer. Mind how you go.

10 Dec, 2010


Oh dear Helen, this is a repeat of the photos you put on last winter, poor you.

10 Dec, 2010


they are Yorkshire aren't they. It was even worse this time; however there is a thaw on today so it is slowly moving. Mind you more is forecast for next week lol

10 Dec, 2010


Not good at maths Helen, but I think we are equal in years. I cannot remember such an awful November or early December. The 2 worst snow years that I recall are 1947 and 1962-3. Then the snow came down just after Christmas and lasted till March. This sounds surreal, but the one legged man, over the road, is in his wheelchair near the telegraph pole, on the pavement, reading the paper and smoking. He admits it is his very downfall!!!He even was there when it was icy.

11 Dec, 2010


LOL Dorjac

11 Dec, 2010


A car came along and picked him up not long after I typed this in Helen. Must go and Iron or vacuum or something. Now there is no gardening I don't have any excuse for dodging the less liked housework. Now there's a bunch of Jehovery looking older persons knocking on doors. No use here loves...they are Chinese Asian, South Korean, and South African all around us. Oh and Polish too...forgot that. Selling real ale from a unit up the road.....entrpreneurial.

11 Dec, 2010

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