Carica papaya 'Maradol' - Maradol Papaya plant without top
By Delonix1

12 Jan, 2011
Someone tore off the top of my Papaya plant on New Year's Eve Day. Needless to say...I wasn't very happy! :>(
Photo taken Jan. 8, 2011.
Comments on this photo
Do you still use the electric chair in California!!
12 Jan, 2011
love your way of thinking
12 Jan, 2011
Some people have no respect do they Andy....I think Meanie is right.....
12 Jan, 2011
They must have been wasted the night before...because I noticed it on New Year's Eve morning.
13 Jan, 2011
LOL! No more Electric Chair here...anymore.
13 Jan, 2011
No respect from so many of the younger's very disappointing! Respect was drilled into me and my siblings while growing up...and now that I'm older, I appreciate it.
13 Jan, 2011
Looks as if it has plenty of new shoots. Hope the mindless idiot who damaged it doesn't come back
13 Jan, 2011
It doesn't have any shoots yet. Those which look like shoots are flower buds...where the fruits are developed.
I'm hoping it will branch out in spring. I have 5 other papaya trees in my backyard.
13 Jan, 2011
I'm with meanie ...
14 Jan, 2011
14 Jan, 2011
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They must of been wasted from New Year's Eve.
12 Jan, 2011