Εco Warrior in white
By Alexandramou

12 Jan, 2011
Sorry guys, picture not great. This is the best I can do.
Comments on this photo
Thanks Yorkshire...that's what BF's are for.
I was five months pregnant in that pic...
12 Jan, 2011
WHAT,!!! Alex whats to become of you, you little devil, what did you look like when you were 9 months, you are so thin in this photo.
12 Jan, 2011
Oh, I put on my pounds by my ninth month. But...they came off within two months. That was then Yorkshire...now it seems like it takes for ever to loose a few pounds.
12 Jan, 2011
well I can still brag, at the age of.................. !!!!! I am still in a size 14, and i BET YOU ARE MUCH SMALLER THAN ME,
12 Jan, 2011
Oh yeah.....not to brag but size 8 to 10....
12 Jan, 2011
there you go then, you don't need to lose weight.
12 Jan, 2011
Oh yes I do,,,,,,10 seems tight after all those parties!!!
12 Jan, 2011
Molto molto bellissima! I will pass when it comes to dress sizes...
12 Jan, 2011
Good Grief, tets going all posh,
12 Jan, 2011
Margo....it's what's in ones heart that really counts!!!
Grazie, amico mio.
12 Jan, 2011
I don't believe this, now Alex is going all posh on me.
12 Jan, 2011
LOL.....come on Yorkshire your turn give us something.
12 Jan, 2011
How about all you gals find pics of your wedding bouquets and your wedding pics and post them!!!
12 Jan, 2011
Hee hee! Yorkshire non parla Italiano Alex! Una vergogna..io dimenticata anche!
12 Jan, 2011
o.k maybe tomorrow, i still have my bouquet but i bet its a mess.
12 Jan, 2011
woa...Tetra, that was the extent of my Italian....I got the it's a disgrace bit but the rest is ????????
12 Jan, 2011
Steady on girls...I have two lots!!
12 Jan, 2011
Oh yes Yorkshire.....I can't wait to see it.
12 Jan, 2011
Two lots of what??? Wedding bouquets?
12 Jan, 2011
I should have spelt it differently I think..tis many years, multi ani..io ho dementicata ??? I have forgotten...sure have!!
12 Jan, 2011
Yes two lots of bouquets, but they come with me in the picture, cos I havent got them any more..found two blokes who wanted me...how good does it get lol! (I had a rich dowry of course)
12 Jan, 2011
LOL......that's gooood.
12 Jan, 2011
Lovely happy wedding pic :0))
Now thre's a challege, wedding dresses, yeehah! I lost so much weight pre our wedding I kept having to yank my dress up (should have had straps on it!!)
12 Jan, 2011
And I probably have said che peccato instead of una vergogna...but it IS a disgrace that Ive lost it.
12 Jan, 2011
Now Lulu anyone with your artistic talent couldnt possible "yank"!
12 Jan, 2011
That is so true Lulu....every bride looses weight before her wedding....I on the other hand kept putting weight on.
That's funny, bet your dress looked nice. Post a picture.
12 Jan, 2011
Oh yes indeed! And the dogs were bridesmaids. And when the vicar asked if there was any reason we two should not be wed, he waited a few long seconds and both dogs barked!!! Loudly!
12 Jan, 2011
You were a beautiful bride :o)
12 Jan, 2011
You look so gloriously happy Alex...I know I joke a lot but you really looked stunning.
12 Jan, 2011
Oh Lord just posted mine!! Well, it wasn't that long ago................!!
12 Jan, 2011
Love your wedding dress and the gloves too! Very sophisticated. : o ))
12 Jan, 2011
when were you married mrs eco warrior?
12 Jan, 2011
Τhank you Shirley...very different to what I really wanted!!! Needed to fit the baby belly though.
13 Jan, 2011
I was married 17 years ago next month Lulu...
13 Jan, 2011
Thanks Hywel... ;o)
13 Jan, 2011
Alex, you notice its gone very quiet in the north of England..no picture from Yorkshire yet..
13 Jan, 2011
Yes I have Margo.....
I thought her Yorkshire pudding pic was the the one we are waiting for!!!
13 Jan, 2011
aw, wedding ones please but will we get into trouble, we are meant to be talking about flowers (although my garden is brown and damp and not managed to cut anything back last year!)
13 Jan, 2011
I have been very busy ladies, and keeping a close eye on all your comments.
13 Jan, 2011
Well you certainly couldnt speak or type while noshing those gorgeous yorkshire puds could you lol!
Im just jealous really, Im on 3 small meals a day, no picks, no puddings (well the odd mince pie cos I bought two extra boxes by mistake) and 5 minutes of dancing energetically to the Fortunes 3 times a day. It's certainly improving my mobility..as long as I dont pull a muscle doing it!!
13 Jan, 2011
come on Tet, you really expect me to believe all this rubbish, how could you buy two extra boxes of mince pies by mistake, and 5 mins dancing to the Fortunes, never heard of them, I don't know, Oh well just off for a bar of chocolate. I bought them by mistake, !!!
13 Jan, 2011
Lol...well you know how it is when your memory starts going Yorkshire..I stood in the supermarket and saw buy one, get one free, thought oooh, havent got any yet and bingo! Got home to find I bought them couple weeks ago and put them in a not often used store cupboard (especially for Christmas/party stuff)...honest!
And you MUST remember the Fortunes...from way back then...You got your Troubles I Got Mine???
13 Jan, 2011
And how can you mistake a bar of choc for an apple...
13 Jan, 2011
I can't remember this morning let alone the Fortunes Tet,
13 Jan, 2011
My OH has just come in singing needles and pinser,!!!
13 Jan, 2011
Tut! That was the Searchers...what yer like???
13 Jan, 2011
he said it, not me.
13 Jan, 2011
Alex, help, help..Yorksire and Shirleytulip are ganging up on me (see my wedding pic)..I need back up here!
13 Jan, 2011
Alex ... you really can't blame us! : o ))
13 Jan, 2011
Οh Tetra, so sorry I couldn't come to your aid...
I was enjoying my coffee in Corfu Town.
I checked all the comments this morning....you did well on your own.
14 Jan, 2011
Now Shirley and Yorkie be good to Tetrarch.....
she has Mr. Darcy on here side.
14 Jan, 2011
Thats no good Alex, he has chastised me for inelegant language, and unladylike behaviour, besides calling such a nice lady as Yorkshire a d... well he's watching so I am suitably restrained!
14 Jan, 2011
Restrained!?!?!?!?! What are you up to Tet???
Hey, still very quiet from the North of England.
Off to go pick up little guy from school, chat later.
14 Jan, 2011
Its not me and Shirley Alex, its tet, using bad language, as Tet said herself, "I am a nice lady " Tet has been very naughty
14 Jan, 2011
You are a nice lady Yorkie...you're my BF.
I think Tet has learned her lesson now. She has been "Restrained".
Play nice...wink wink
14 Jan, 2011
You too Shirley...play nice with Tet.
14 Jan, 2011
Alex ... not until she's washed her mouth out with carbolic soap!
14 Jan, 2011
Here Here I agree.
14 Jan, 2011
Bad girls.
14 Jan, 2011
Hey don't blame us, we are the innocent two here.
14 Jan, 2011
I believe you Yorkshire, really I do....just like poor Tommymoo and Madame Guillotine.
14 Jan, 2011
now now Alex, no need for that, anyway who's side are you on, you don't know what she called me.
14 Jan, 2011
What did she call you my BF???
14 Jan, 2011
PM you.
14 Jan, 2011
Tetrarch......how could you call my friend that!!!!!!!
Sorry but the girls are right, wash your mouth out with carbolic soap!
14 Jan, 2011
thanks Alex, had to PM you, could not write that down on here.
14 Jan, 2011
Well! You know who your friends are..especially those who send you carbolic soap!
15 Jan, 2011
16 Jan, 2011
I had to come and look after seeing Tet's & Lulu's wedding pics.....Very nice! How come I can't find Yorkshire's?
20 Jan, 2011
not put one on Annella, far to old and faded
20 Jan, 2011
That's a shame Yorks I would like to see one of you
20 Jan, 2011
Τhanks Annella. Yorkshire is giving us excuses.....
20 Jan, 2011
Yorkie, you can send me your picture and I can fix it and post it for you!!!! I want to hear your excuse now......
20 Jan, 2011
I can't get out to the post
20 Jan, 2011
We could try to get someone on here to pick it up Alex, then they could post it.......who lives near Yorks?
20 Jan, 2011
20 Jan, 2011
Ι have another friend who lives in Yorkshire Annella...will send her a message tomorrow.
20 Jan, 2011
What time is good for you Yorkshire??
20 Jan, 2011
not before 9a.m
20 Jan, 2011
where does your other friend live in Yorkshire then Alex, !!!
20 Jan, 2011
Get looking through those pics Yorks xx
20 Jan, 2011
she has not got a friend who lives in Yorkshire really Annella,
20 Jan, 2011
So you think Yorkie baby!!! Remember my customers are English!!!
I have a friend that lives in Dewsbury W. Yorkshire.
So, what time is good for you?
20 Jan, 2011
not Dewsbury, !!!!! after 9 I told you, it will take them 15 mins to get here,
20 Jan, 2011
Oh goodie goodie.....I'm sending them message soon...and remember I have your address. There is no escaping me!!!
20 Jan, 2011
Do you want them to post it to me Alex? It would be quicker and I will scan it in at work.
20 Jan, 2011
o,k you two Enough, you are just being naughty now,
20 Jan, 2011
Good idea Annella, the quicker the better.
20 Jan, 2011
So YOU say Yorkshire.
20 Jan, 2011
I will take good care of it Yorks
20 Jan, 2011
I thought of adding my two pennith but guess you and Annella have her all wrapped up Alex!
20 Jan, 2011
No join in Tet! I want to see that pic
20 Jan, 2011
Τhat's what friends are for Tet...;o)))
21 Jan, 2011
Hey Annella, how about your picture?
21 Jan, 2011
I'm divorced and now living in sin so the best I could do is a holiday pic and pretend it was my honeymoon Lol :o))
21 Jan, 2011
lol...that sounds good Annella!!! ;o)))
21 Jan, 2011
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Wow, you are a real beauty, this is gorgeous Alex, well worth waiting for, next the flowers please.
12 Jan, 2011