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Globba globulifera


By Pitta

Globba globulifera (Globba globulifera ginger)

This is another ornamental ginger, it goes dormant over winter.

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Great photo! One day I'll have to get one.

20 Jan, 2011


There are several different Globba all lovely

20 Jan, 2011



I've seen several species available for sale here...however, never tried growing one.

20 Jan, 2011


They go dormant for the winter .

21 Jan, 2011


Yes, they're only for sale in summer. From friends who grow this plant say in CA. they have a long dormancy period.

21 Jan, 2011


Last year I collected the little solid aerial bulbits that are produced from the flowers . I put a handful of them in a pot covered with medium,placed a label in the pot and just left the pot amomg others outside .
When the main plant popped up after dormancy
and started to grow I remembered the pot and checked it . It was full of tiny baby plants which have grown well . I think they may take a few years to flower .
If I had left them fall to the ground as they do then new plants would grow from them . You can read about these little aerial bulbits by doing a google for Globba globulifera propogation.
These soid aerial bulbits could form on all the Globba .I must do more checking.

22 Jan, 2011

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This photo is of species Globba globulifera ginger.

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