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Ficus maclellandii 'Alii'

Ficus maclellandii 'Alii'  (Ficus maclellandii 'Alii')

This Ficus species is not as fast as many other species. This is a terrific specimen of this tree located in Balboa Park, San Diego, CA. Photo taken Jan. 14, 2010.

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Pretty, Delonix! Surprisingly thin trunk for a Ficus, though.

18 Jan, 2011



Yes, it does have quite a small trunk. This tree has grown pretty slowly. I've seen others in San Diego which have grown faster and have larger trunks at the same size as the one above.

18 Jan, 2011


When I see trees in the parks doing this, I almost always find the base girdled by a weed whacker.

18 Jan, 2011


As you say, it's a terrific spcimen.

18 Jan, 2011



This tree has a large mulch perimeter around the trunk. I think it just needs more so many of our park trees.

19 Jan, 2011



It's the perfect size tree for a medium-sized most Ficus trees become humongous trees here. The tree to the left in background of the palms is a 50ft/16m tall Ficus lyrata - Fiddle Leaf Fig.

19 Jan, 2011


I can't blame them for trying to save water, Delonix, but they are probably no smarter about it than the Parks Dept. in Glendale, AZ. Every year they run the drip system on the Xeriscape Botanical Garden every day for a few minutes--except for the middle of summer, when they cut the water off completely, "to save water"! I've always been amazed at how many of the plants survive that abuse, but, predictably, not too many actually look good.

19 Jan, 2011


Thats a touchy Ficus even for Los Angeles. They say that the tree's can do well for years,then rot in a rainy winter.

25 Sep, 2014


I think this one would grow in the Bay Area (protected area). It's pretty tough, actually. The one I really like (which is more tender) is Ficus maclellandii 'Amstel King' it looks similar; however, has much large leaves. It's become quite popular here in San Diego.

The reason why it's probably rotting is because it's not receiving enough water throughout the year. It loves water.

25 Sep, 2014


Wow that is big I would nt be able to get it out my house lol looks grest though and shape.

23 Oct, 2017


It's much larger now. This photo was taken 6 years ago.

Yes, it's a very ornamental tree. :>))

24 Oct, 2017


Yes I bet it is a lot bigger now Andy thank you for showing me .

24 Oct, 2017


You're welcome. :>))

25 Oct, 2017


25 Oct, 2017

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