BOGOFF Gold Finches!
By Theoldgunner

21 Jan, 2011
3 Gold Finches for the price of 2, the feeding station was busy this afternoon
Comments on this photo
You are so lucky to have those little birds, so colourful.
21 Jan, 2011
beautifull arent they Tog, i love seeing mine around :o)
21 Jan, 2011
Stunning little finches....can I have the free one Tog....:o))
21 Jan, 2011
I'll parcel him/her? up for you. I think there must be 2 males, they were fighting over the seed perches this morning.
22 Jan, 2011
they really are three beauties
22 Jan, 2011
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Beautiful birds ,you are so lucky to have these visiting your garden,please let them know they would be very welcome in mine.:o))
21 Jan, 2011