Psidium guajava - Tropical Guava Fruit
By Delonix1
- 23 Jan, 2011
My tropical guava tree is full of fruits. It typically fruits in summer and early fall...however, with the unusual weather last year it bloomed in early fall. Photo taken Jan. 22, 2011.
Comments on this photo
Just what I was going to ask what do they taste like well done in growing it Delonix.
23 Jan, 2011
Wow, fab.
23 Jan, 2011
I don't eat them. I picked all the fruits and gave them to my neighbor...who gave me a bag of lemons and oranges from their trees a couple of days ago.
23 Jan, 2011
Tropical guavas are very widely grown here. Many properties have 3 or 4 trees in their yard here.
23 Jan, 2011
Thanks! :>)
23 Jan, 2011
Yes they do a lot of shared gardening over there too, don't they, last year I use to chat to the people over there on a chat room, and lots of youngster were doing it.
Do you not like the taste of them, but good swop with the Lemons and Oranges
23 Jan, 2011
Yes, it was...I make homemade orange juice and lemon aid or freeze the lemon juice for cooking. We're lucky here in CA. lemon trees are continuously producing fruit. There's always some variety of orange in season all year also.
23 Jan, 2011
Your so lucky to have that kind of weather and sounds lovely that lemon aid.:o))
23 Jan, 2011
Yes, we are very lucky! In San Diego County all citrus species/varieties (lemons, limes, grapefruit, blood orange, pomelo, navels oranges, tangelos, kumquats, tangerines) are grown. Also, tropical guava, strawberry guava, avocado (many varieties...we're the capital growing region of the U.S.), cherimoya, mango, sugar cane, Macadamia nuts are just some of the commercially grown crops.
24 Jan, 2011
There is a lot of variety there which you are able to grow, I have in my garden Coxs Apples, Cherries for Jam, Plumb, Pear, Strawberries, Goji berry, Rapsberry, Logan Berry, Blueberry, Rhubarb, Gooseberry, just bought Red current, and large fruiting Black current. I do grow a small amount of salad and veg, I have onions, and leeks, and white head broccoli in my raised bed at present.
24 Jan, 2011
Are all those crops commercially grown in your area?
That's quite a bit...don't need to go to the store and purchase produce. :>)
24 Jan, 2011
These are in my garden but there is a farm which you can go pick your own that grows all this through out the year locally which I some times go to when mine are out of season. Have you ever heard of the Yorkshire triangle, its places where they force Rhubarb up when out of season in sheds which are huge grown in the dark, and grow Rhubarb all year round.
24 Jan, 2011
I read about this garden on the internet. It sounds very interesting. :>)
27 Jan, 2011
It is Andy.:o))
27 Jan, 2011
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This photo is of species Psidium guajava - Tropical Guava.
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Looking good as i have never had one what do they taste like ?
23 Jan, 2011