Memories of last summer
By Annella

25 Jan, 2011
The hedge in late May, Photinia, Choisya, Cotinus 'Grace' and Ceanothus 'Puget blue'. All of these have survived the winter so far.
Comments on this photo
Thanks Lulu, I love the colour of them
25 Jan, 2011
i must say this looks superb..your planting as a 'misty' quality about it, sort gives off something extra beyond the perfect matching of the colours and textures..i really does look great..well done
25 Jan, 2011
It looks nice when the Red robin is in flower, gives the misty effect you mention. Apart from the Cotinus the others are evergreen
25 Jan, 2011
Ah, I was going to ask you about that Choisya and the big one you have against a wall. Some of mine look fine and some look not so fine, depending on where they are sited, but I think they will all make it. I've never seen a Photinia in flower yet. I wonder if mine will flower one day!
25 Jan, 2011
Love the planting, do you prune the Cotinus back to keep it in bounds
25 Jan, 2011
They compliment each other so well Annella ,I'm glad they have all survived the winter !
25 Jan, 2011
Jen, I only found out yesterday that you can hard prune Cotinus! I used to give mine a wee tidy up and worry that it wouldn't recover! lol! You live and learn eh?
25 Jan, 2011
a lovely ceanothus looks very sad & brown!
25 Jan, 2011
Karen I love the wee tidy trim, I just never imagine you sounding Scottish! The wee bit gives it away Lol.. I cut my Cotinus back by about half each year. My Red Robins all flower but I only keep them in shape so they keep on hiding my neighbours, and all my choisyas are fine :o))
25 Jan, 2011
Great news! I do use Scottish words Annie, can't help myself....some of my vowels are a bit scottish now too....ask oliveoil. My english folks think I am scottish and my scottish folks know I am english.....tis an identity catstrophe. I'm 'scunnered' lol
25 Jan, 2011
Annella you have neighbours? where are they, I cannot see them lol
Have been trying for years to hide ours (bless them) just how tall are the shrubs you have mentioned?
9 Mar, 2011
DD, I know exactly what you mean! lol
10 Mar, 2011
Dotty all the shrubs are between 6 & 10ft, I keep some at 6ft to allow the evening sun in the bottom garden and views of the sunset. My house is on the highest point of the hill and the neighbours garden is about 3ft lower on the other side of the fence so no chance of them seeing over. I'm also lucky in that none of my shrubs block out any neighbours sunlight so never any complaints.
The field behind the house has a water main running through it and can't be built on making the garden very private.
Thank you for all your lovely comments Dotty
10 Mar, 2011
Even so, I think you are the GoY 'expert' on hiding the neighbours Annie!! You really could write a good blog on what shrubs to plant and how long it all took to grow up etc. etc.....perhaps you've already done that....I should go and look....;)
10 Mar, 2011
Lol Karen!
10 Mar, 2011
btw, how did your Photinias fare? Mine are stumps. Bare. Cut back. I'm hoping they will regrow. The baby ones actually did a lot better...the Pink Cassini variegated ones, and the Davidiana is fine as well, but Red Robin and the other big one that's name escapes me.....dreadful! There are tiny buds on the stems though so there is hope!
10 Mar, 2011
Viewing you photos, we realized how many mistakes we have made......we both like enclosed gardens, but the neighbours on both sides have no trees so it is all up to us, and the trees we do have are too young and we are too old to wait for them to grow large Karen is right you should do a blog on how to hide the neighbours it is an art form you know!!
11 Mar, 2011
Thanks Karen and Dotty I will try do do a blog when everything looks a bit better and brighter. I'm having camera probs at the moment (Ella borrowed and broke it, she's not having a good month Lol) I will have to buy a cheap one for now as I miss not being able to post pics.
Karen my Photinias look like they overwintered some where else not in my garden, completely untouched! Maybe because they are mature.
11 Mar, 2011
Well, that's really good news! Yours are stunning...they even flower for you...I've never seen one in flower. Dotty, you and me have to learn some patience don't we! lol
11 Mar, 2011
Time is not on my side unfortunately are only a whippersnapper !!
13 Mar, 2011
lol....thanks for that Dotty, it's my birthday soon, I shall be 48 but don't tell Oliveoil I told you, she doesn't like to be reminded!! :))
14 Mar, 2011
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love Cotinussess's!! I have 2, one of which those naughty dogs have broken a big branch off so it's a bit thin!! I planted them about 6 years ago, they are my babies! Lovely hedge.
25 Jan, 2011