Cordyline 2
By Mushybanna

27 Jan, 2011
I think it may not have survived
Comments on this photo
hope it survives mushy, sorry clicked like, habit i guess ,,maybe it will encourage your cordy to buck up lol
27 Jan, 2011
The rest of it looks alright Mushy , if you take off those hanging bits I would be surprised if it didn't send out some new shoots , I cut a new shoot off the bottom of mine the other year and potted it up but it didn't survive ... that might have been my fault as I stuck it behind the shed and forgot about it !
27 Jan, 2011
I've never seen anything like this before. Although, I would think if you cut the damaged tip off this branch...many more shoots may the rest of the tree looks good.
Hope the weather warms up for you soon!
28 Jan, 2011
Hopefully i may get new ones its just this and the 1 in the middle (called malcom thats another story ) were the first c2 trees we put in the garden 10 years ago now so, it'll be sad if it goes
There's another branch that you can't see from photo thats also shedding leafs .
But hopefully it'll be ok .
As for the weather its been mild lately but that's about to change as a cold blast from Siberia that we normally get at this time of year is on its way:o(
28 Jan, 2011
Hope the Siberian Express doesn't last too long!
I'll send you some of the above normal warm to hot weather we've been experiencing here in San Diego.
28 Jan, 2011
Good man we need it.
But im not to worried as me and the wife are heading to warmer clims at the end of the month Yeahhhh..:o)))
28 Jan, 2011
Blimey i just realized your still awake it must be 1 in the morning where you are ..Night owl eh? LOL
28 Jan, 2011
Have a good trip! :>)
Yes, some nights I'm quite the insomniac.
Tonight, hopefully I'll be sleeping before mid-night! lol.
29 Jan, 2011
Is it looking any better yet?
5 Feb, 2011
Nope its looking worse at the moment .It looks like its had the shock of its life and been petrified....... LOL
5 Feb, 2011
Mushy I have to tell you that my Cordyline has done exactly the same thing , it's about the same size as yours , in fact one off shoot branch is devoid of anything it looks awful ... Is it a Norfolk thing :o(
5 Feb, 2011
No Amy, its a British Thing, lost mine to, sigh, I think ill grow Dandylions from now on Mushy lol... Sorry about your Cordy's, I think ill have a rethink this year and grow more hardy tropical "looking" plants, Its Darn too expensive...
6 Feb, 2011
Hello all, I have a cordy that I think is about thiry years old and ver large, I have xactly the same problem, but am hoping it will pull through. ( P.S it has a new plant at the bottom so if all else fails).
6 Feb, 2011
So we are not alone then Daisy , thats a relief .. I'm sorry you have lost yours as well , it will be intersting to see whose survives this trauma ...Jrc I had a small one growing at the bottom but that has turned black
6 Feb, 2011
I have 3 Cordylines in the back garden ... at the moment they're all looking healthy ... so sorry to keep reading of all the poorly ones up and down the country. : o ((
6 Feb, 2011
I'm pleased yours are healthy Shirley perhaps it depends on how sheltered they are in the garden :o)
6 Feb, 2011
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If its only comming off that branch hanging down, Ive been told you can take cuttings from these with a sharp thing to slice the bits growing from the side, so don't know if it will work if you just cut that one branch off so it does nt kill the rest but don't take my word for it just thought it might strenthen the rest of it.
27 Jan, 2011