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New Bulbs

New Bulbs

I`ve been spending again! This its bulbs, Canna Indica `Tirol`. It`s a new variety with brown leaves and what looks like a rose pink flower. Also I have Crocosmia `John Boots` with deep yellow flowers.

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i fancy trying canna sandra, may get some, lovely plants

28 Jan, 2011


You must Sandra, they are really beautiful, both the flowers and the foliage too. I like to grow them in containers surrounded by small plants, they can look qite impressive. :o)

29 Jan, 2011


thanx for info sandra i will try some, when do you plant the bulbs please :o)

29 Jan, 2011


What I do is start them of in compost so that I can plant them once the frosts have passed. You CAN plant them out but not until the ground is much warmer so I`ll be starting mine of by the middle of February along with dahlias which I treat exactly the same. I think they get a better start that way. :o)

29 Jan, 2011


thankyou sandra, will look in gc this weekend ;o)

29 Jan, 2011

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