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Brugmansia 'Jamaica Yellow' - Jamaica Yellow Angel's Trumpets

Brugmansia 'Jamaica Yellow' - Jamaica Yellow Angel's Trumpets (Brugmansia 'Jamaica Yellow')

My small Jamaica Yellow Angels's Trumpets in the front yard is blooming now. Photo taken Jan. 29, 2011.

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3 Feb, 2011



Thanks! :>)

3 Feb, 2011


They just keep blooming don't they :o))

3 Feb, 2011


Beautiful Andy I would be proud of it.

3 Feb, 2011


That is gorgeous Andy........

3 Feb, 2011


Sixpence, Milky:

Just wait until you see pics of the larger, fuller Jamaican Yellow Angel's Trumpets in my backyard. This plant is very sparse.

4 Feb, 2011



Yes, Angel's Trumpets, in my opinion look, bloom better from late-Fall through mid-Spring. In Summer and early Fall they suffer from heat here.

4 Feb, 2011


i can just smell it from here Delonix..:-}

4 Feb, 2011



All my Angel's Trumpets are smelling wonderful right now. There's so many flowers on so many plants. :>)

4 Feb, 2011


Hehe they don't suffer from the heat over here LOL

4 Feb, 2011


They should grow very well there...except for the freezing winter temps. :>)

5 Feb, 2011


Stunning.....perhaps ours will look like this one day lol

11 Feb, 2011



Thanks! I'm sure yours will look much better than this one. This is my runt plant. lol! :>)

13 Feb, 2011

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