Wind damage to the greenhouse 5/2/11
By Homebird

5 Feb, 2011
The gusts took all the glass out of the front of the greenhouse. T has replaced 7 panes this morning. It broke the fruit cage and took the greenhouse door clean off and broke the glass. Thankfully the wind has dropped but it's raining non-stop now. :o(((
Comments on this photo
Oh dear H/ bird, damn weather, so much damage done, I am sorry,
5 Feb, 2011
:( sorry to hear - damn wind been driving me mad too - very sorry for the greenhouse :(
5 Feb, 2011
Oh :o(( Everywhere seems to have had much worse than us here. I'm sorry to see this damage. I hope conditions improve for you soon.
5 Feb, 2011
SOrry about your greenhouse Homebird. I remember years ago when we lived on the IOWight and we had terrific gales and we lost the end out of our greenhouse so Gerry and I struggled in the wind to tarpaulin the lost end. It's very windy here at the moment and the river below is very high and rough. They say that we are going to get some more heavy rain tomorrow. Hope it doesn't burst it's banks.
6 Feb, 2011
Sorry to see all your damage.... its been very windy here by the sea..........
6 Feb, 2011
Although we only had a semi-detatched home, the garden was about 100 feet in length and the soil on the sandy side but it grew plants flowers and veg very well. I used to get manure from the stables and we composted everything down. We had an allotment just along the road as well and grew a lot of veg there too. It was a mess when we first took it all over and needed a lot of work but we got there after a few years of hard manual labour as we didn't have the money to buy equipment it was a spade and fork job digging a strip at a time and clearing it from all the grass and weeds.
7 Feb, 2011
It is a lot of work but once you have the soil right and manageable as long as you keep on hoeing through the plot during the week, it keeps o.k. It's a daily thing really, but if you are only going to go at the weekend it's hard work.
7 Feb, 2011
Gosh that was nasty, as you said it could have been a lot worse, pleased your hubby has it sorted for you and that your plants are ok...
Relieved to say that today the wind has dropped, I was lucky mine was nothing broken, just a case of clearing the branches and twiggy bits,(lots) that had been broken from the Weeping Willow.......
8 Feb, 2011
We have been lucky.. so far with no damage.. the fences were having a good wobble though..........
8 Feb, 2011
Oh poor you. How awful for you both. Its about time this awful weather was replaced with some nice dry sunny days !
5 Feb, 2011