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courtyard and large barn

courtyard and large barn

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What's growing on the frame work from the barn?

7 Feb, 2011


Hi Annella..there is a sweet pea on the middle one, there is also a grape vine on the opne on the right and im not sure what the plant is called on the left..i do have a rather nice Poppy that grows in the trough to the left too

7 Feb, 2011


Sounds nice, I would love a grape vine

7 Feb, 2011


Ive had it three years hasnt grown very wondering if its in the wrong place

7 Feb, 2011


What a lovely courtyard Guy and I love your covered frame, I bet thats lovely and shaded WHEN the weather is hot !

15 Feb, 2011


I cant take any credit for the frame Lin as it was there when i bought the does offer some shade true but the biggest problem is that its shallow..particulary the area most closest to this picture at a loss as to how make it interesting all year round.

17 Feb, 2011


you have a lovely place,Guy.

28 Feb, 2011


thank you suey

2 Mar, 2011


ditto suey - ur a very lucky guy, guy!

24 Jun, 2011

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