Daphne x rollsdorfii 'Wilhelm Schact'
By Rkwright

8 Feb, 2011
1 like
I got this Daphne late last fall so I don't have any pictures of it in flower. I have seen this one flowering before and the flowers are deep pink-almost red. It's been over-wintering fine (completely buried in snow right now) and I can't wait to see it flowering in a few months.
Comments on this photo
Thanks, I made that little rock bed just for a few of my daphnes.
8 Feb, 2011
it would look nice round azaleas too i think!
8 Feb, 2011
I have a white flowering daphne with a couple of red-flowering azaleas and it does look nice! There's a raised bed behind this daphne with a couple of mountain laurels that I think will look cool too. I have five daphnes in that spot and it's really neat to have the large flowering shrubs in front of the smaller daphnes. What's really nice is a grouping with viburnum, azalea and daphne!
9 Feb, 2011
that sounds delightful; which viburnam do you have ~ some of them are beautifully scented.
9 Feb, 2011
I have a few Burkwood Viburnum and even though they have kind of a goofy shape they really look great with rhododendrons and azaleas. I also have an 'Anne Russell' Viburnum that's a Carlesii x Burkwoodii backcross. The scent is really nice and kind of reminds me of Daphne.
10 Feb, 2011
my viburnams dont have many flowers and therefore very little scent which is disappointing ~ any suggestions?
10 Feb, 2011
I've talked to people who have had deer eat the flower buds so if you have a high deer population that could be the problem. Pruning in Fall or Spring (before it starts growing) would take the flower buds off. Also if you fertilize it, Nitrogen can make it focus all the energy on growth and not flower production. If you fertilize it, you may want to try a low nitrogen fertilizer. The only other reason I can think of is very low temperatures but I don't think that would be a problem for you (the temp would have to be below -23c). If it's none of the above then you may want to try another variety or move the shrubs to a sunnier spot. Viburnum Juddii and Korean Spice usually bloom pretty reliable for me, I occasionally have Burkwoodii Viburnums that don't bloom.
10 Feb, 2011
thanks for that RKW ~ think the sun ~ or lack of ~ is the problem! and possibly pruning at the wrong time.
11 Feb, 2011
No problem, hope I could help :)
11 Feb, 2011
Pictures by rkwright
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i like the gravel round it, sets it off nicely.
8 Feb, 2011