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By Uswetwo

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any plans or thoughts yet?

10 Feb, 2011


think Im going to put some small trees and bushes . The building you can see is next doors garage so I need to cover that and I cant put a fence or wall up because of row of conifers and it wouldnt look right. Want to make it look established sooner rather than later any ideas?

11 Feb, 2011


would you be allowed to put up trellis ~ and then some fast growing climbers? eg: clematis montana rubens ~ it grows quickly and has pretty pink flowers in the spring; also russian vine [i think] grows quickly]
once you get the trees in and a few perennials your eye will be taken by the plants rather than the wall.

11 Feb, 2011


Was just thinking clematis montana Sticki, great minds, aaah not the dreaded russian vine though,lol, I planted one near my pond along some fencing, took a couple of years to get going and does look pretty in flower but spend half the summer hacking at it as it attaches to all the plants in a nearby border, like a flippin triffid, I was warned.

16 Feb, 2011

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