By Linsuffolk

10 Feb, 2011
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Thanks 6d, these were a fantastic shade of yellow, so bright!
11 Feb, 2011
Yes I can see they look like the sun.
11 Feb, 2011
Aren't lillies some of the most beautiful flowers? I love them. x
12 Feb, 2011
They certainly are Mandy. I have just sent for 20 fragrant ground cover lillies for £16.99 from an advert in the paper. I haven't heard of 'ground cover' ones before have you? It will be interesting to see what they are like.
15 Feb, 2011
They're those lovely pink ones, little bit like star gazer lillies aren't they? I think lillies are my most favourite flowers. I've just got 2 bags of ten bulbs from Home Bargins for £1 each, now that is a bargain. Jimmy has bought me some tree lilly bulbs for Valentines day (as well as some shrub roses and other bulbs) istead of cut flowers, I can't wait to get them in the ground!
15 Feb, 2011
I was looking at tree lillies in the newspaper this weekend, I was in two minds whether to order some but our garden can be quite windy at times and quite cold winds off the sea, so I decided not to as they are quite tall arn't they Mandy?
16 Feb, 2011
I think they get to about 4ft, Lin. Mine haven't arrived yet so I've still got time to find a nice planter for them. I'm not going to plant them in the ground now, I'm going to keep them somewhere warm and sheltered.
17 Feb, 2011
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Lights up the room lovely Lilies
10 Feb, 2011