Feb 2011 new Hepaticas 001
By Bjs
- 17 Feb, 2011
This is a plant I have had for about five years.and are hardy woodlanders
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Not this one but the smaller ones the same colour you saw were were seed that germinated where it fell in the large plants pot.
17 Feb, 2011
what a wonderful set of photos on here BJS, they are beautiful
18 Feb, 2011
This is new to me Bjs , I really like it , does it stay outside all winter ?
18 Feb, 2011
yes they are very hardy but don't like to dry out in the summer.i have a couple outside under a maple and that seems to suit it.they flower of course before the maple leafs up.the ones in pots are in an outside frame i bring them in the glass house to see the flowers.as i suggested to Sticki look at the ones in Edroms Nursery
but you will need a lottery win to buy them, mine are only cheap ones.
18 Feb, 2011
Homebird yes i can see where you are coming from
19 Feb, 2011
Thanks Bjs , I will have a look ! We bought a lottery ticket today for the first time in months , fingers crossed :o))
19 Feb, 2011
Oh My Goodness ! I wouldn't dare pay that much for one it would be bound to die on me ... they are fabulous I hadn't seen them before , thanks for showing yours Bjs ... :o)
19 Feb, 2011
I love the color very nice! Bjs
21 Feb, 2011
What a dainty sparkler.
22 Feb, 2011
These are definitely on my (very!!) long list of plants 'to get '
27 Feb, 2011
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Did you grow this from seed Brian?
17 Feb, 2011