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Amaryllis 1st flower bud Very close up 19-02-2011


By Balcony

Amaryllis 1st flower bud Very close up 19-02-2011 (Amaryllis Hippeastrum)

This is a close up shot of the first bud to form on my Amaryllis. Although the tip is red I'm not sure yet if it will be pure red (unlikely) or red with white markings.

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I bought 4 last year, all over wintered dry in the conservatory, still waiting for them to show signs of a bud. They were all reduced in a sale & flowered really well. Never really managed to get them to re-flower so fingers crossed.

19 Feb, 2011


Thanks Bampy. I hope your bulbs flower soon. They are as easy as Daffs to get to flower every year! Just treat them like Daffs & let the leaves grow till they go yellow (quite a bit longer than Daffs I'm afraid!), then let the bulb rest & leave it in its pot or take it out & dry it & put it in a cool, frost free place till the end of winter than pot it up again & put it in a warm, light place. It will start to flower again after a few weeks.

The first flowers this year are just about to open. Perhaps tomorrow but certainly the day after!

23 Feb, 2011

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This photo is of species Amaryllis Hippeastrum.

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This photo is of "Amaryllis" in Balcony's garden

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