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Crocuses on balcony 24-02-2011 006


By Balcony

Crocuses on balcony 24-02-2011 006 (Crocus chrysanthus (Crocus))

These Crocuses are in the middle planter of our balcony.

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Lovely array of colour and mixture.

26 Feb, 2011


Thanks, 6d. Yes, they are looking very nice at the moment but even in the few days since I took this photo many more flowers have opened & the planter looks even better now.

There are still many bulbs to come yet as there are Daffodils & other flowers yet to bloom.

27 Feb, 2011


Sounds lovely Balcony still more to come

27 Feb, 2011


Lots more! Daffs - both mini & large, Anemones, Puschkinia, Glory of the Snow, Hyacinths, Snowdrops, Tulips & more Crocuses as well as the Pansies & Violas that are even now flowering their heads off!

When we get a nice sunny day again I'll take a few more photos of my balcony so you can see the progress it's making.

1 Mar, 2011


Wow you have a lot there and will look forward to seeing them all

1 Mar, 2011

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