Crocuses on balcony 24-02-2011 008
By Balcony

25 Feb, 2011
These Crocuses are growing in the 2nd tub of one of the 3 Golden Conifers.
Comments on this photo
Hi, 6d, thanks for your comment & I'm glad you liked it. The leaves you see growing in the pot are from Grape Hyacinths (I think). They have been in the pot for several years sharing with the Golden Conifer. I can't get anything else to grow in the pot any longer in the summer as the Conifer has become so big that the roots dry the pot in no time during hot days in the summer. Last year, for the first time, I had to water the pots every single day as they became so dry. I put Busy Lizzies in 5" pots in saucer on top of the soil & they looked very nice. I think I will do the same again this summer.
BTW, what's the red flower in your avatar? Is it an Oriental Poppy?
27 Feb, 2011
Yes trees do sup up all the water sounds nice the busy lizzie
27 Feb, 2011
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What a lovely dispaly and such colour nice one
26 Feb, 2011