The Garden Community for Garden Lovers



By Gillian


Not Spring yet!

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maybe not spring but the blue sky is lovely.

27 Feb, 2011


you must be sick of all the snow. I really feel like winter is over here, but I suppose I shouldn't forget that it's not even March yet!

27 Feb, 2011


Since I"m just a few miles east of you...shouldn't we have the same amount of snow??? We lost most of ours around the end of the first five days of March we now have a foot and a half!! Grrrr.... I want spring!

6 Mar, 2011


unbelievable lori and gillian!
its amazing how quickly you forget once the snow is gone!

6 Mar, 2011


Day before I took this I took this the snow was just about gone and I could see grass and bulbs starting to show!

7 Mar, 2011


we have actually got sun today!! despite starting off very cold ~ bird bath had thick ice on it.
i think bulbs coming up through the snow are really pretty, hope they survive.

7 Mar, 2011


Bulbs are only as far as a few tips of green so far, be a while before any flowers appear but it's encouraging to see something growing.

7 Mar, 2011


just found the pigeons have eaten loads of things that were coming up ~ i dont like the pigeons!!!

7 Mar, 2011


Poor pidges...fresh greens...yum! Just think of it as pre-emergence pruning! Wonder if there's anything a person could put out that would distract them from "the darling buds of May" ??

7 Mar, 2011


at the moment i have put a plastic cloche on top ~ hope it puts them off at least for now!

7 Mar, 2011

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