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Dombeya burgessiae - Pink Dombeya

Dombeya burgessiae - Pink Dombeya (Dombeya burgessiae - Pink Dombeya)

A closer view of the Pink Dombeya flowers. This tree IS NOT related to roses like many may think. It's in the same family as Chocolate , Cocoa tree (Theobroma cacao, Family: Sterculiaceae). Photo taken on March 1, 2011 at San Diego Botanical Gardens.

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You wrote the right words Delonix....Chocolate, Cocoa!!! ;o)
They are beautiful flowers.

2 Mar, 2011


What a beauty, so much blossom.

2 Mar, 2011



You love chocolate? lol! :>)

2 Mar, 2011




This tree was had so many thousands of flowers covering could barely see the leaves.

2 Mar, 2011


LOL...yeap. ;o)

3 Mar, 2011


Maybe a chocoholic? LOL! :>)

3 Mar, 2011


Big time...right after coffeeholic. ;o\

4 Mar, 2011


That's funny! I love chocolate, however, I don't eat it as much as I used to...and I haven't had a cup of coffee since 1985.

5 Mar, 2011


Oh my...... why have you given up coffee???
I'm TRYING to stay away from chocolate....started a diet. Summer is around the corner and the pounds just do not drop the way they use to.
Your coffee beans would not survive a week if I was around! ;o)

5 Mar, 2011



Coffee contains too much acid for me.

The coffee beans on my tree should be starting to ripen soon. lol! :>)

6 Mar, 2011



Thanks! I do the same. I used to be a serious chocoholic at one time. When I used to travel to Switzerland, I used to bring back tons of Swiss Chocolate bars (the ones that were't sold in Ca).

6 Mar, 2011


Is that an invitation to visit CA???

6 Mar, 2011



All the coffee cherries would be yours, if you visit San Diego when they ripen. I give most to all my coffee cherries away every year.

6 Mar, 2011


Renewing my passport any day now...

6 Mar, 2011


Yes Marguerite, Switzerland is much closer but Delonix has a lot of nice plants I can nip....hee hee hee and all the coffee cherries would be mine. :o)))

6 Mar, 2011



Come on over! :>) Seriously, all the coffee cherries would be yours.

I have several little coffee tree seedlings popping up under the parent tree. This happens every year during winter rains...many times the snails just eat them. Last year I had to dig some up for family and friends.

7 Mar, 2011


Thats all the invitation I need! ;o)))))))))

7 Mar, 2011



Get the airline ticket now. lol! :>)

7 Mar, 2011


I have to renew my passport first!!! Give me a couple of weeks!!! ;o))))

8 Mar, 2011


Okay. :>)

9 Mar, 2011


Somewhere I read, that somebody in San Diego has Theobroma growing. Might be the SD botanical gardens.

24 Sep, 2014


It must be in a greenhouse. Theobroma is extremely, extremely tender to the slight cold below 60ºF. Believe me I've tried. It needs a hot greenhouse.

24 Sep, 2014


I've grown it in a greenhouse- had pods. But,someplace a hint of it being grown or a try in soucal. Of course,that might be a courtyard or some warmth holding outdoor spot..a part open pool (swimming) room. Nowadays,I don't doubt much. Mahogany tree's are said to be growing in Phoenix yards with enough water. z11 stuff has been moving to the southwest..

24 Sep, 2014


There's several species of mahogany trees. There's some species which grow very well in San Diego.

Theobroma speices are just too tropical. However, with this being said I've been proven wrong in the past. I generally don't like making definitive statements.

The reason why I don't like making definitive statement is because I've seen people post on garden websites that African Tulip trees, Delonix regia, Cassia fistula, Elaeis guineensis, Pritchardia pacifica and thurstoni, Samanea saman and the list goes on, that these trees don't grow here. I've seen all of these trees growing here very well.

26 Sep, 2014

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This photo is of species Dombeya burgessiae - Pink Dombeya.

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