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latest incarnation of the pond.


By Lori

latest incarnation of the pond.

I decided to make the shallow end deeper and do away altogether with the deep end... much more i have more room for flower beds...going to plant bog plants lower left corner.

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It's going to look GREAT when you finish Lori

31 May, 2008


coming on nicely lori.going to look very good

31 May, 2008


Thanks Mikec and Daventray... seems I've been at this project much too long.

31 May, 2008



Very good job...beautiful pond! Will you put Koi fish into the pond?

I though I would ask - because almost everyone here with a pond has Koi fish.

16 Apr, 2009


I had a terrible disaster winter before last...We had a very severe late winter storm which dumped 59 inches of snow on us...(Yes one inch short of five FEET) I was devastated...and though I didn't know it at the time so were my 60 odd little (8" to hatchlings) carp... I lost all of them but the three I had brought indoors to keep the plants clean in the aq. I just couldn't get down through the snow and the 8" of ice underneath it to poke a hole through and let the gases escape...all my fish suffocated...that's why I downscaled the pond...must have all males or all females because they didn't breed last summer in the new pond...same three fishies in the aq at present, they are looking large and I'm not complaining. Hence I'm glad I stuck with the hardy little carp ...they are very pretty but not fancy... They want $50. for a 6" Koi ...that's too expensive for me.

17 Apr, 2009



WOW!!! That sounds horrible!

I know Kio fish are very expensive especially the brightly color ones.
Here the very colorful ones command a very handsome price, sometimes in the thousands of dollars

20 Apr, 2009


I started with six little "feeder fish" and they had almost reached the point of having to scoop and sell them off...too many and they would have started with perhaps nature was merciful in her all-or-nothing way. When I'm finally relocated I will decide if I want to add to my stock...where ever I go I will definitely be digging a pond! thought I might get some veil tails and shubunkins.

20 Apr, 2009

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